Information for authors |

Information for authors


Material submitted for publication can be very diverse: from setting topical theoretical issues to analysis the results of law enforcement practice, as well as involve other issues of public-law relations, therefore during the first year the issue of the magazine is carried out without headings. With increasing number of articles in the issues of the magazine “The Topical Issues of Public Law” it is planned to enter sections in accordance with the new nomenclature of legal scientific specialties.iseoretical issues to analyze

Editorial staff welcomes authors that explore the following issues of public law:

•        Administrative responsibility of public bodies’ officials;

•        Legal restriction of discretionary powers of public bodies and theirs officials;

•        Forming the Institute of public civil servants’ administrative responsibility;

•        Improvement of the procedural legislation applicable by arbitration courts in cases arising from public relations;

•        Creation of a legal mechanism to exaction from public authorities judicial costs on the disputes arising from public legal relations;

•        Improvement of the legal regulation of tax control procedures;

•        Definition the boundaries between discretion and delict of public bodies’ officials;

•        Improving the mechanism of court’s judgment execution against public bodies, which are debtors by executive documents;

•        Legal regulation of permissible limits of judicial errors in administrative and legal disputes;

•        Improvement the legal mechanism of regulation of the subject and the limits of proof in administrative and legal disputes;

•        Determination of the legal nature of administrative fines for various subjects of liability;

•        Improvement of administrative and tort legislation: division of the Code on Administrative Offences in two Codes, the highlighting in the Code on Administrative Offences of public and private subjects of administrative liability;

•        Creation of a mechanism to control the execution of administrative penalties;

•        The role of administrative law in the anti-corruption activity of the State;

•        Providing legal rights protection of patients;

•        State control over the provision of health care services;

•        Reversal of the arbitration practice in administrative and legal disputes in the context of recognition of judicial errors of the application the norms of law.

The declared scientific interests of the journal do not restrict authors’ choice of publications theme, since if you have interesting, relevant material the headings can be expanded.



The inclusion of the magazine in the international system of citation implies high quality requirements of scientific articles and editorial work, therefore, there are only authors’ scientific publications, consistent with the purposes and tasks of the editorship’s mission in the journal “The Topical Issues of Public Law”.

Articles are published in the original version, without corrections. From the editors’ side only technical correction of the texts is possible. Editorial is not responsible for incorrect data in the articles. The authors assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the article, including the absence of plagiarism.

To the journal’s editorship accepts the final versions of articles that do not require modifications.

Articles are accepted for publication, in accordance with the following requirements:


  1. 1. Location and structure of the text of an article:

a) Universal Decimal Classification and Library-bibliographic Classification (UDK and BBK in Russian);

  b) Name and information about the author (authors): degree, academic rank, place of employment, study (in bold, align the left edge of the paragraph indented 1 cm, italicized, lowercase letters) in Russian;

c) The name of the article (on the center with capitals, bold), in Russian;

d) Annotation (no more than 8 lines) and keywords, the main text of articles (justified alignment) in Russian;

e) Paragraphs b) – d) in English;

  f) The text of the article should be written in Microsoft Office Word with the following format:

- font - Times New Roman

- main text - size 14

- set line spacing to 1.5

- all margins -2 cm

 - indentation -1 cm

 - orientation - portrait, no hyphenation, no footnotes

Note. Drawings and graphics (distribute on the text and group)

g) literature and sources(in Russian and English).


  1. 2. Requirements for volume, form and design of an article:

a) The volume of articles - from 5 typewritten pages (maximum volume 1.5 of author’s sheet);

b) Language – Russian or English, other languages are in the form of a graphic element;

c)  Figures, tables and graphics - black and white, no fill, hatching is possible.

d) The article is sent to as a separate file *.doc or *.rtf (archiving WinZip or WinRar is possible)

e) References (footnotes) to literature printed inside of the text in square brackets after the quote. First specifies the number of the source, and page number after the comma, e.g. [12, 21]. Footnotes for some sources inside of square brackets, separated by semicolons, e.g. [14.6; 12, 58]

f) References and sources listed alphabetically at the end of the article in the form of a numbered list. In the list of references surnames and initials of the authors are written separately. Literature should be additionally provided in English (see translation rules of literary sources);

g) The article should be signed by the author (authors). The signature is inserted in the form of a graphic element.


  1. 3. Reviewing

Scientific articles submitted to the editorial pass through the institution of reviewing


- internal (reviewing manuscripts of articles by members of the Editorial Board);

- external (the author submits to the editorial a scanned in color review of his/her article by the leading expert in the relevant branch of law).

The Editor-in-chief of the magazine determines the compliance of the article with profile of the magazine and sends it to the internal reviewing by a specialist (doctor or candidate of juridical sciences) that has the closest to the subject of the article scientific specialization.

Period of reviewing in each case is determined by taking into account the creation of conditions for maximum quick publishing of an article.

In review the following issues should be addressed:

  • whether the contents of the article corresponds to the topic stated in the title;
  • as far an article corresponds to modern achievements of scientifical and theoretical thoughts;
  • whether an article is available to readers on which it is oriented, in terms of language, style, layout, clarity of tables, charts, pictures, etc.;
  • whether an article is appropriate, taking into account the previously released literature on the subject;
  • what exactly positive aspects and shortcomings of an article, which amendments and additions should be made by the author;
  • conclusion on the possibility of publishing the manuscripts in the magazine: “recommended”, “recommended, taking into account the correction of deficiencies noted by the reviewer” or “not recommended”.

Reviews shall be certified in accordance with the procedure established in the institution, where the reviewer works.

In case of rejection the article from the publication the editorial sends to the author reasoned refusal.

 Article not recommended for publication by a reviewer will not be accepted for reconsideration. The negative review will be send to the author by e-mail, fax or mail.

The existence of a positive review is not a sufficient reason for publishing an article. The final decision on whether to publish an article or not is taken by the editor, taking into account the views of the editorial board.

The original reviews are stored in the editorial office of the magazine “The Topical Issues of Public Law”.

Note. Reviewing is required on the articles in which reflected the main scientific results of dissertations on competition of scientific degrees of candidate or doctor of jurisprudence.


4. Requirements for the content of an article:

In an article it is not allowed to post of information constituting a State or other secret specially protected by the law. Article should not contain public calls for the implementation of terrorist activities, or publicly justify terrorism. It’s not allowed to contain in the article other extremist materials, as well as materials that promote pornography, the cult of violence and cruelty, information about the ways, methods of development, manufacture and use, place of purchase of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, promotion of any advantages for use of any narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors, as well as the dissemination of information, which is prohibited by federal law.

Articles that contain obscene and unethical expressions against opponents as well as not relevant to requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 2124-1 of December 27, 1991 “On mass media” will not be accepted for publication.


5. Rules of translation of references into English

When translating the Russian-language sources (books, monographs, and reports) uses transliteration of the surnames and initials of authors, transliteration and translation of source name in square brackets, year and place of publication, number of pages. Place of publication must be fully translated (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, etc.). Title of publication (may be in italics) is separated with a dot.

If is mentioned a Russian-language article in a magazine, the article's title can be omitted. It is necessary to specify the official English version of the journal name (translation or transliteration is normally indicated on the site of the log), if there is no any you should use the usual transliteration. Also indicates the publication date, issue number, pages of an article. Title of publication (may be in italics) is separated with a dot. For the issue of a magazine uses designation No.; for pages – p.

When transliteration in parentheses indicates source language (rus).

For transliteration, you can use the online systems, for example:


Sample of list of literature layout (Latin)


The Russian-language book:

Kalinina L. A. Administrativnaja otvetstvennost': ucheb. posobie / otv. red. L. L. Popov. [Administrative responsibilities: tutorial / Executive Editor L. L. Popov] – Moscow.: Norma, 2009. 496 р. (rus)


The Russian-language article in a magazine:

Kizilov V. V. Vidy administrativnyh nakazanij grazhdanskih sluzhawih [Types of administrative penalties of civil servants] // Magazin «Problems of law». 2011. № 2. – p. 147-152. (rus)



Maksimov I. V. Administrativnye nakazanija v sisteme mer administrativnogo prinuzhdenija : Konceptual'nye problemy : dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. [Administrative penalty in the system of administrative enforcement: conceptual problems :  Ph.d thesis]– Saratov, 2004. 483 р. (rus)


Not a Russian-language book:

Niemi E. Structural Stress Approach to Fatigue Analysis of Welded Components. Designer's Guide. 2000. 102 p.


Not a Russian-language article:

Kaplin V. V., Uglov S. R., Bulaev O. F., Goncharov V. J., Voronin A. A., Piestrup M. A. (2002). Tunable, monochromatic x rays using the internal beam of a betatron. Applied Physics Letters. 2002. No. 80(18). pp. 3427-3429.


Transliteration table

а        a                 й       y                 у       u

б       b                 к        k                 ф       f

в        v                 л       l                  х       kh

г        g                 м       m                ц       ts

д       d                 н       n                 ч       ch

е        e, ye            о       o                 ш      sh

ё        e, ye            п       p                 щ      shch

ж       zh               р       r                 ы       y

з        z                 с        s                 э        e

и       i                  т        t                  ю       yu

                                                        я        ya

The letter "E" of the Russian alphabet is transliterated into the Latin alphabet as "YE" if it  is at the beginning of a word, after vowels and  letters "Ъ" and "Ь". In all other cases – as "E".

For example, Евгений= Yevgeniy, Анатольевич= Anatolyevich, Сергеевич= Sergeyevich.

The letter "Ё" is transliterated into the Latin alphabet as "YE" if it is at the beginning of a word, after vowels and  letters "Ъ" and "Ь". In all other cases – as "E".

For example, Ёлкин= Yelkin, Планёрная= Planernaya.

Letters “Й” и“Ы” are transliterated as”Y” in both cases.

For example, Быстрый= Bystryy.

Letter “Ц” is transliterated as “TS”. In the same way as the combination of letters “ТС”.

For example, Царёв= Tsarev.

Combination of Russian letters “КС” is transliterated as “KS”, but not as “Х”.


6. Information about the author (authors)

The magazine publishes open information about the author (s) which in addition to academic rank, degree, place of work, study, includes: postal address of the author or an email address on which an interested person may sent correspondence on the article he has read in the magazine. The preferred method of communication is indicated by the author. Telephone number of the author is published only under his direction of the need for such a publication.


7. Recomendations for the preparation of an article's annotation 

Abstract in the periodical publication is a source of information about the content of the article and its research results, because:

- provides the opportunity to find out the main content of the article, to determine its relevance and decide whether to read the full text of the article;

- provides information about the article and eliminates the need to read the full text of the article, in the case if the article is of a secondary interest for the reader;

- used in the information, including automated, systems to search for articles and information.

Annotation should be: informative (not to include common words), the original, substantive (to reflect the main content of an article and studies), structured (to follow the logic of description of the results in this article), compact (stowed in the amount of 3 to 8 lines).

The annotation includes the following aspects of the content of an article:

- the subject, the purpose of the author’s research work;

- the method or methodology of the author’s research work;

- the results of the author’s research work;

- area of results application;

- conclusions.

Introduces the basic theoretical and experimental results, actual data, discovered relationships and patterns. At the same time the preference is given to new results and data of long-term value, important discoveries, findings that contradict existing theory and data, which in the opinion of the author, are of practical importance.

Findings may be accompanied by recommendations, assessments, suggestions, and hypotheses described in the article.




  1. Submitting an article for publication, the author thereby expresses his/her consent to the posting of its full text on the Internet on the official websites of Scientific electronic library (, the magazine “The Topical Issues of Public Law” ( and foreign scientific citation databases.
  2. Representing an article for publication, the author adopts the following offer:






“License agreement No.________


     Omsk                                        «___» ________ 201__

Editorial of the magazine “The Topical Issues of Public Law” hereinafter referred to as “Licensee”, represented by the editor-in-chief Kizilov V. V., acting on the basis of the editorial statute, on the one hand, and

A citizen of the RF ______________________________________, hereinafter referred to as "Licensor", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as "Party / Parties", entered into this agreement (hereinafter - "Agreement") on the following basis.

  1. Subject of the Agreement
  2. Licensor under this Agreement, free of charge grants the Licensee the right to use the scientific article_________________

hereinafter referred to as "Work" on the basis of a non-exclusive license within the limits determined by the Agreement and for a definite by the Agreement period of time.

  1. Licensor warrants that he has the exclusive copyright to the Work passed to the Licensee.


  1. Rights and duties of the parties
  2. Licensor grants to Licensee for the entire duration of the exclusive rights to the Work the following rights:

2.1.1. Right to reproduction of the work (publication, disclosure, duplication, copying or otherwise reproducing of the Work) without restriction of circulation of copies. Each copy of the Work should contain the name of the author of the Work.

2.1.2. Right to distribute the Work in anyway.

2.1.3. Right to include it in the composite publication.

2.1.4. Right of making available to the public.

2.1.5. Right to use the metadata (title, author’s name (copyright holder), annotation, bibliographical material, etc.) of the Work through the distribution and bringing to the public, processing and systematization, as well as inclusion in the various databases and information systems.

2.1.6. Right to reassign on the contractual conditions partially or fully received under this agreement rights to third parties without the payment of remuneration to the Licensor.

2.2. The Licensor gives the Licensee the rights under this Agreement on the basis of a non-exclusive license.

2.3. The Licensor shall provide to the Licensee planned to the posting in the magazine “The Topical Issues of Public Law” the Work in the electronic version of a Word document for a review. Within twenty (20) working days from the date of submission of the Work to the Editorial Office (e-mail address, if the Licensee has not presented to the Licensor demands or claims related to the quality (content) or the Work’s volume provided for a review, the Work shall be considered adopted by the Licensee to publication.

2.4. Date of publication of the Work in the magazine is considered to be the time of transfer to the Licensee of the rights specified in this Agreement.

2.5. Licensee agrees to comply with the copyrights provided for by the current legislation, the Licensor rights, as well as to protect them and to take all possible measures to prevent copyrights infringement by third parties.

2.6. The territory where may be used the rights on the Work is not limited.

2.7. The Licensor also grants the Licensee the right to store and process the following his personal data without restriction on term:


•        surname, name, patronymic name;

•        information about academic degree and rank;

•        information about place of work and position;

•        addresses, telephone numbers for the communication readers and interested persons with the Licensor;

•        information about the presence of published works of literature, science and art.

Personal data are provided for their storage and processing in various databases and information systems, including them into analytical and statistical reporting, creating reasonable interconnections of works of science, literature and art with personal data, etc.

The Licensee has the right to transfer the data to the processing and storage to any third party (besides those involved in the formation and maintenance of the Russian Science Citation Index and foreign bases of Science Citation) under the condition of the notification of such a fact with the provision of information about the third person (name and address) to the Licensor.

Withdrawal of consent to the storage and processing of personal data is carried out by the Licensor, by sending a written notice to the Licensee.


  1. Liability of the parties

The Licensor and Licensee are in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation incur the material and other legal responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement.

  1. Final provisions

4.1. All disputes and disagreements of the parties arising from the terms and conditions of this Agreement, shall be settled by negotiation and, in the event of their failure, these disputes are to be settled in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by both parties to this Agreement and publishing the Work in the journal “The Topical Issue of Public Law”

4.3. This Agreement is effective until full implementation of their commitments by the parties

4.4. Termination this Agreement is possible at any time by mutual consent of the parties, with the obligatory signing by the parties of an appropriate agreement about this.

4.5. Terminating this Agreement unilaterally may be in the cases provided for by law or under a court decision.

4.6. Any changes or additions to the present Agreement shall enter into force only if they are in writing and signed by both parties to this Agreement.

4.7. In all that is not provided in this Agreement the parties shall be governed by the provisions of current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.8. This agreement is made in two copies with the same content and equal legal force, one for each of the parties”.


Scientific paper authorship ethics


Paper authors must guarantee that the list of authors includes only those people that meet the criteria of authorship, and that researchers deserving authorship are not excluded from the list of authors.


Authors must guarantee that they have written a completely original work, and if the authors have used a work and/or words of others, this must be accordingly noted or indicated by text link. The works of other researchers have to be properly recognized. Authors should provide links to publications that have influenced the content of the work to be published.


Authors are not allowed to copy references from other publications if they have not read the cited work; citations and references to other works must be accurate and in accordance with established requirements. Authors should maximally correct and accurately refer to the relating to the publication previous works of both other researchers and the authors themselves, referring primarily to the original source; verbatim reproduction of their own works and their paraphrasing is unacceptable, they can be used only as the basis of new findings.


All authors must disclose in their manuscript any financial or any other significant conflict of interests that could be treated as influencing the results of evaluation of their manuscript. All the sources of financial support for research should be disclosed (if they have a place).


Authors should interact with the editor-in-chief or publisher to correct their work promptly if significant errors or omissions are discovered after publication. If the editor-in-chief gets to know from third parties that a publication contains a significant error, the author's responsibility becomes an urgent retraction or correction of the article, or presentation to the editor-in-chief the proof of correctness of the publication.


Authors undertake to observe the norms of legislation on copyright protection; material protected by copyright may be reproduced only with the permission of their respective owners.



  1. 1.The received articles are considered by the editorial within 20 days.

  2. 2. Editorial is empowered to send an article for an additional reviewing.

  3. 3. Editorial is competent to carry out scientific and literary editing of submitted materials, if necessary reduce it by agreement with the author, or, if the subject of the article is of interest to the magazine, send the article to the author for revision.

  4. 4. Editorial reserves the right to reject an article that does not meet the established requirements or topics of the magazine.

  5. 5. In the case of rejection of the submitted article the editorial gives to an author a reasoned conclusion.

  6. 6. Within 7 days the authors receive the notice about the received article. After twenty days after the registration of an article the editorial informs authors on the results of the reviewing and on the plan of an article publication.

  7. 7. Editorial provides to the author a free copy of the magazine containing the published article.